A2z Scrabble Word Finder - Word Unscrambler - Scrabble Cheat



Capital Letters Required?

If On: 'atCs' finds 'cats', but not 'as' or 'at'

- Input Letters to Unscramble where the # button adds blank tiles
- Click X buttons to clear input text. Click Search Options to set dictionary, sorting or game type.
- To fit words into a Scrabble game, enter a letter and/or pattern into Letters to Fit Onto with open game squares input as '?'. Example: 'a?k' can fit letters across two vertical words separated by an open playable letter cell.
- Pattern will be found at position set above Click to Submit Search... button (see help details). Click Submit button to unscramble words with these letters to be shown just below here ...

Word Finder Help for Scrabble

  • Enter your game rack letters into the first Letters box
    • Use '#' or '-' to represent blank tiles
    • The Clear and Add # buttons are clickable shortcuts
  • Optional fit to Board Letters finds interlocking words with letters already played:
    • Unscrambles words with Rack Letters plus the Board Letters
    • Board Letters sets up played letters & open game spaces, where wildcards are '?' or '_'
    • To fit words starting with a & 3rd letter p, use 'a?p'
    • The Clear and Add ? buttons are clickable shortcuts
    • Click the button Find Words with Letters at: to find words that match the board letters either at the Start -or- End -or- Anywhere
  • Click Search Options + for advanced settings
    • Capital Letters Required ? means all returned words MUST have at least those capitalized letters
      • 'Cats' will find only words with 'c' somewhere in them
      • 'Cats' would return 'acts, cast, cats and scat' but not 'sat' or 'as'
      • Multiple capitals can be used: 'CaTs' would filter out 'as, at, sat'
      • This is used with Pattern for fitting across parallel words or to fit high scoring letters within score multiplier spots
      • On cell phones, be careful since they may capitalize first positions in Letters and Pattern by default
    • Set the Min Length from 2 to 15 letters
    • Choose Sort By options as A-z, Length or Points
    • Use Dictionary selection to change the words source
    • Letter Scores sets the scoring values by type of game
  • Words found will be shown above this Help section

A2z Scrabble Word Finder & Word Unscrambler

Find Scrabble words & fit best words with letters onto play board

Stumped in Scrabble? Getting crushed in Word Chums? Bashing on buddies in Words With Friends? A2z’s Scrabble Word Finder is the unscrambler tool that'll help you out score the competition.

A2z Scrabble Cheat isn’t just a simple word search helper, but rather a total Scrabble Helper solution. Just enter your rack letters and hit the search button... A2z Scrabble Solver will unscramble high scoring words from these letters within the A2z Scrabble Dictionary. Every set of search results is sorted by length or by points. Just let it solve for unscrambled words hidden in your letters! You can also use an optional board match pattern that is a word generator to fit your tiles onto words already played on the game board.

Need more help? A2z Word Finder also provides word scramble lists full of power plays that will boost your word game skills to the next level. Our A2z Word Finder has a large set of word lists for word building games. Browse Scrabble words to find high-scoring plays; or if you know which letters you need help with, just browse the special Scrabble words below:

Word Lists for Playing Scrabble

Whether you're playing Scrabble, Words With Friends, Word Cookies Cheats, Word Scramble, Word Chums, 4 Pics 1 Word, word jumble or your daily crossword… A2z Word Finder offers the Scrabble word finder and Scrabble Dictionary help you need to win!