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What is the A2z subscription membership cancellation policy?

General background: Membership payments are processed by Paypal, which defines a subscription membership as a recurring payment. Memberships paid through PayPal are automatically renewed and paid again by Paypal either monthly or annually depending on your subscription plan, unless the subscription is cancelled or the funding source (e.g. credit card or bank account) Paypal has on file expires.

Use the Cancel Subscription function available in your Members menu area.

In order to stop your member payments, you may need to cancel it on the PayPal site directly if you do not have a Cancel function in your members area.

As adminstrtators of this members area, A2zNews.com, LLC. does not hold any credit card information on file, nor do we ever have access to that information. This is instead entirely managed at Paypal as the payments processor since PayPal "pushes" the net payments less their processing fee to us, after which we renew your subscription/membership.

To cancel your recurring payment at PayPal, login at PayPal.com and follow their instructions about how to cancel a recurring payment for your subscription.

In short, you need to find the "preapproved payments" menu entry, or the transaction where your subscription began, or the last transaction sending funds to A2zNews at [email protected], and then initiate a Cancel command.

If you still have trouble, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-256-426-7694 and we will then issue a cancellation request from within our system.

There are no refunds of unused time on your subscription, but rather your membership access will be granted until the termination date is reached for your last payment made prior to your cancellation.