A2z Word Finder -Word Verify / Checker

Input possible word to check its existence

Verify Word Help

  • Checks if an input word exists in the selected dictionary.
  • Enter the possible word in Letters box:
    • Use exact spelling to check ONLY for that word
    • Use ? as wildcards to check similar matches
  • Choose which Dictionary to use
  • Click the Check Word button
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Green = Correctly placed letter
Yellow= In word, in wrong spot
Dark = Letter is not in word
A2z Scrabble  Word Finder

A2z Members Area - Word Verify - Scrabble Helper

Find out if a word exists or not

Not sure if a word exists in a specific game's dictionary? The A2z Verify Word helper is ready to help by finding if it exists!

Just enter your word to check, and hit the Check Word button... It will check A2z's extensive Scrabble dictionary and word games word lists to let you know if there's a match.

Whether you're needing an angrams cheat, playing Scrabble, Words With Friends, Word Cookies Cheats, Word Scramble, Word Chums, 4 Pics 1 Word, word jumble or your daily crossword… A2z Word Finder offers the word finder tools you need to win!

Need more help? A2z Word Finder also provides word unscramble Word Finders full of power plays that will boost your word game skills to the next level. Browse Scrabble words to find high-scoring plays; or if you know which letters you need help with, just browse the special Scrabble words below...