A2z Wordfeud Word Finder - Wordfeud Cheat

Unscramble letters into words...

Fit to Grid Pattern At:

Wordfeud® Word Finder Help

  • Enter game letters in Rack box
  • Use '#' or '-' as blank tiles
  • Capital letter means it must be used: 'Cats' will find only words with 'c', but 'cats' might not
  • Multiple capitals can be used
  • Grid Pattern fits words with letters already played:
    • Unscrambles words with Rack letters plus the pattern
    • Grid Pattern indicates played letters & open game spaces = '_' or '?'
    • To fit words starting with A & 3rd letter P, use 'A?P'
    • Fit to Grid Pattern sets where pattern is to be matched
  • Choose which Dictionary to use
  • (Many dictionaries are included!)
  • Pick Scoring based on game type